Top 10 Habits to Stay Healthy and Well in College 😍🔥

College can be extremely stressful. Overwhelmed by academic assignments and often work, students tend to put their life on pause and make unhealthy decisions which may lead to different physical and mental problems.

Habits to Stay Healthy and Well in College

To avoid that, it’s important to develop a set of healthy, strong habits to keep going even when it gets hard. This will be a solid foundation giving you energy, aspirations, and joy even when things don’t go as you want them to. So, here are 10 important things you need to embed in your life to stay healthy and well in college.


  • Habits to Stay Healthy and Well in College
      • Stick to a Balanced Diet
      • Avoid All-Nighters
      • Be Diligent about Hygiene
      • Apply Time Management Principles
      • Learn to Delegate
      • Find Something That Helps You Recharge
      • Have an Active Social Life
      • Move Your Body
      • Learn to Manage Stress
      • Travel
  • Conclusion

Habits to Stay Healthy and Well in College

1. Stick to a Balanced Diet

When the world offers you so many delicious temptations, sticking to a balanced diet may be unbearable. But you should try to eat as healthily as you can to fuel your body with useful elements and stay productive in all of your activities. 

Stay away from sugar and alcohol, eat enough fiber-containing products (like veggies, grains, and fruits), and drink around 8-10 cups of freshwater per day. If you’re a sweet tooth, replace traditional cakes and cookies with healthier options – like dry-fruit candies, for one. 

2. Avoid All-Nighters

The exam is just around the corner and studying all night seems the best idea – we get it. But you should stop doing it. First, your productivity will be falling exponentially at night. Second, you’ll need to sleep twice as much afterward to get back to your normal state again. 

Rather than experimenting with your biorhythms, try to reconsider your schedule so you could study during the day and have the necessary 8 hours of sleep at night.

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3. Be Diligent about Hygiene

Hygiene culture matters. We’re surrounded by germs and parasites, and they are pretty capable of turning our lives into hell. That’s why it’s important to follow regular hygiene procedures: frequently wash your hands (just don’t forget to apply some hand cream to help your skin out), ventilate and wet-clean your room, and regularly wash your clothes. Yes, it takes time. But hardly you can be useful lying sick in bed. 

4. Apply Time Management Principles

Lack of time can be a huge problem for a college student. But in most cases, it’s not time you lack, but time management skills. The way how you manage your time influences your productivity and efficiency, your progress, as well as your well-being and good mood.

Start with mapping up a plan of all your assignments, deadlines, activities, goals, important events, etc. Make sure you’re honest about the time each of them should take and your own level of proficiency. 

Then break the tasks according to priorities and get down to those that require your immediate attention. You may see that some of them are not so important or of no value to you – so, perhaps it’s better to just leave them out? 

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5. Learn to Delegate

From cleaning your room to accomplishing your duties, delegating is a vital skill your future employers will appreciate. Sometimes, it will mean spending some cash, but if it gives you time to rest or deal with pressing issues, why not? Just make sure it doesn’t put you into debt, recommends Alan Peas, a Columbia University sophomore:

“Though I didn’t have a job, I used to have all of my reports done by a lab report writing service, so I could party several nights in a row. Next thing you know, you’re cashless, and you have to work three times as hard just to cover the credit card interest. I can’t tell you how furious my parents were. Thank goodness, it taught me budget management.”

6. Find Something That Helps You Recharge

Doing something you love is a great way to take a break from reality and recharge your mind. This can be anything – from slugging in bed to playing computer games. Just find what boosts your energy and make it regular. 

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7. Have an Active Social Life

As a college student, you’ll have bad moments, and it’s good to have someone who can back you, give a helping hand, and show their support. That’s why you should surround yourself with those who love you. 

Attend extracurricular classes, join communities – meet people. Active social life will help you stay positive and upbeat; it will also let you build a strong list of contacts you might need when the job hunt heats up.

8. Move Your Body

College life is full of unhealthy things: hours of sitting and studying can hurt your back and eyes, sleepless nights lower your energy levels, while numerous fails may completely destroy your confidence and self-belief.

No matter how busy you are, don’t disregard exercising. Physical activity will prevent your body from rusting and give you the energy to go through the day. It’s also a natural source of happy hormones' endorphins, as well as reasons to be proud of yourself. If you’re not really a sports person, just pick something light – like long walks or yoga. 

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9. Learn to Manage Stress

No one is immune to stress but college students are especially vulnerable so implementing stress management techniques is a must. Try meditation, aromatherapy, art therapy, martial arts – whatever helps you release negative energy. 

But if you feel like you can’t take it anymore, don’t hesitate and go to a therapist. A professional will pick up effective therapy to help you deal with stress, doubts, and negative affirmations before burnout gets you. But even if it’s not the case, it’s always good to vent out to someone who will understand you and be of no judgment. 

10. Travel

There’s no better time to travel than college, there’s no better way to recharge in college than hitting the road. Traveling brings inspiration, awakens curiosity, and fills life with adventure. 

It helps students become independent, resilient, active, and adaptive and then extrapolate these skills into their normal college routine. When you feel ground down, traveling might be the best of all remedies to reboot and recover. 


Turn these 10 tips into your habits and have the healthiest college experience. By acting upon these tips, you can stay healthy and fit in even tough college routines.

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